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Selective Table Synchronization

It is possible to select only specific tables from remote heterogeneous database to focus on replication. This could prevent resources being spent on replicating unwanted tables.

Select Desired Tables and Start it for the First Time

Table selection is done during connector creation phase via synchdb_add_conninfo() where we specify a list of tables (expressed in FQN, separated by a comma) to replicate from.

For example, the following command creates a connector that only replicates change from inventory.orders and inventory.products tables from remote MySQL database.

SELECT synchdb_add_conninfo(

Starting this connector for the very first time will trigger an initial snapshot being performed and selected 2 tables' schema and data will be replicated.

SELECT synchdb_start_engine_bgw('mysqlconn');

Verify the Connector State and Tables

Examine the connector state and the new tables:

postgres=# Select name, state, err from synchdb_state_view;
     name      |  state  |   err
 mysqlconn     | polling | no error
(1 row)

postgres=# SET search_path TO inventory;
postgres=# \d
                 List of relations
  Schema   |        Name        |   Type   | Owner
 inventory | products           | table    | ubuntu
 inventory | products_id_seq    | sequence | ubuntu
 inventory | orders             | table    | ubuntu
 inventory | orders_ididid_seq  | sequence | ubuntu
 public    | synchdb_conninfo   | table    | ubuntu
 public    | synchdb_state_view | view     | ubuntu
(6 rows)


Once the snapshot is complete, the mysqlconn connector will continue capturing subsequent changes to the inventory.orders and inventory.products tables.

Add More Tables to Replicate During Run Time.

The mysqlconn from previous section has already completed the initial snapshot and obtained the table schemas of the selected table. If we would like to add more tables to replicate from, we will need to notify the Debezium engine about the updated table section and perform the initial snapshot again. Here's how it is done:

  1. Update the synchdb_conninfo table to include additional tables.
  2. In this example, we add the inventory.customers table to the sync list:
    UPDATE synchdb_conninfo 
    SET data = jsonb_set(data, '{table}', '"inventory.orders,inventory.products,inventory.customers"') 
    WHERE name = 'mysqlconn';
  3. Restart the connector with the snapshot mode set to always to perform another initial snapshot:
    SELECT synchdb_restart_connector('mysqlconn', 'always');
    This forces Debezium to re-snapshot all the specified tables, even if two of them already have the data.

Be mindful that if the heterogeneous database type does not support DDL replication (such as SQLServer), we may get a data conflict error when the snapshot is being rebuilt on the 2 tables previously selected for replication. If this is the case, we may need to drop or truncate them before restarting the connector with snapshot mode = 'always'.

Verify the Updated Tables

Now, we can examine our tables again:

postgres=# SET search_path TO inventory;
postgres=# \d
                 List of relations
  Schema   |        Name        |   Type   | Owner
 inventory | products           | table    | ubuntu
 inventory | products_id_seq    | sequence | ubuntu
 inventory | orders             | table    | ubuntu
 inventory | orders_ididid_seq  | sequence | ubuntu
 inventory | customers          | table    | ubuntu
 inventory | customers_id_seq   | sequence | ubuntu
 public    | synchdb_conninfo   | table    | ubuntu
 public    | synchdb_state_view | view     | ubuntu
(8 rows)


Snapshot Modes

SynchDB offers different snapshot modes, depending on your replication needs:

setting description
always The connector performs a snapshot every time that it starts. The snapshot includes the structure and data of the captured tables. After the snapshot completes, the connector begins to stream event records for subsequent database changes.
initial (default) The connector performs a database snapshot if not already done. After the snapshot completes, the connector begins to stream event records for subsequent database changes.
initial_only The connector performs a database snapshot. After the snapshot completes, the connector stops, and does not stream event records for subsequent database changes.
no_data The connector captures the structure of all relevant tables, but not the data they contain.
never When the connector starts, rather than performing a snapshot, it immediately begins to stream event records for subsequent database changes.
recovery Set this option to restore a database schema history that is lost or corrupted. After a restart, the connector runs a snapshot that rebuilds the topic from the source tables
when_needed After the connector starts, it performs a snapshot only if it detects one of the following circumstances:
  • It cannot detect any topic offsets
  • A previously recorded offset specifies a log position that is not available on the server